Sunday, April 28, 2013

The week that passed

Its been quite a week that has since passed. The motorcycle season is picking up with shops and side projects become more of the enveloping norm.  The local inspection station is gearing up with 600 stickers which will be gone in the next few weeks. I've  always enjoyed making time for the sticker as the station is one of the local feed points for what is going on. And the best time to go for a sticker is NOT on the weekend. Weekends usually are packed, the best time is a leisure ride into work but stopping by your local inspection station.  If you're riding, then you must have already done the pre-spring check (tires, psi, oils, brakes, chain,...)   

There was also a free moment to get back into Chip's most current engine project.  Another BMW R60/2 for slingers and bearings.  It had been awhile since someone opened this one up.  Other than years of black pitch coating the surfaces, the engine looked to be fine otherwise.  We'll try to get some before and after pictures when it gets put back together.   Only three more pre-1969 engines to get back together currently.
Monkey wanted a more current picture of her on the Hotrod Boxer. So we pulled a few machines out to get to the hotrod. She says its her favorite bike, but I know that isn't true; her all time 'run to' is 'Bubbi' the Ural outfit.  Which was pulled out of the garage to check tire pressure in preparation for a spring full service and shake down. Mum is raring to use Bubbi this year or I will be hung
At the autoshop things are still going, though currently one of the most unique cars in for service is a 1964 Studebaker Avanti.  I've always thought the Avanti was a semi-mythical creature from the glimpses of old car mags and new prints. They were known for a impressive top speed in its day.

 Having a chance to experience one first hand is way cool. I found the bracing in the under carriage to be trick. Yes, all be it a little archaic by modern standards but getting down to see where its been welded by hand and the use of fiberglass for the body gives good insight.  I like seeing how things were done; a how to in construction as it were.
On Saturday a good friend from Vt dropped off his R80 G/S (gelande strasse= woods and street) for a check over and gremlins exorcising.  Hopefully that won't get my mind working on building a custom G/S.  If you are ever given the chance to ride a early G/S  do take the opportunity.  The G/S in a lot of ways makes for the perfect New England machine.  Soaking up potholes, proving its sure footed-ness on dirt roads under construction to surprising people with its ground clearance and leverage.  

In almost three weeks the BIA will be hosting its Spring show and swap meet. Looking forward to it and getting up there for the pre-show festivities. 

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