Saturday, May 25, 2013

British Iron Association's pre-spring Show and Swap Meet setup

Even when the weathers not so hot, there is work to be done. On this windy rainy raw New England Saturday members to the British Iron gathered to prepare for the 23rd Spring Show and Swap meet. It was impressive to see how many members had shown up it what some might call foul weather.  Sadly,  I didn't ride the old MSS Velo which is a shame as this can be the best riding weather if properly dressed.  Proper British weather for a proper British Bike.

Al Jacques and Bob Bucknell break for coffee
After the fields had been roped off and the tents erected, Russ  served up dynamite Dynamites.  For those not familiar, a dynamite is a sandwich similar to a sloppy joe but with a dynamite you get a better flavor, more zest when a skilled chef is at the helm.  Russ had got his torpedo rolls spot on to match his dynamite recipe. Hot coffee and dynamites- perfect to warm hands and hearts on after a job well done;  good soul food.  

Russ serving up Dynamites

Russ making sure no one goes hungry. 

 Looking forward to tomorrow morning, I'll be making a early morning run out to Carl's Diner  with the MSS. From there it'll be a leisure ride to the show!  See ya there!

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