Sunday, May 19, 2013

Road Safety Ride to BIA Social

And there I was, looking at the  Watoquadoc Road turn off. I knew it couldn't have been quite right.  Thinking aloud as the Velo thumped up a short incline, the mileage had been creeping off meter and I knew it was the wrong road.  With a quick change of gears I went to doubled back to my last turning point at Mass Ave and Bolton Road. Just as Quick as I road off course-  I was found by Paul King and the sweeps coming up this wayward road. Being off route, it was stunning how fast they found me.  Paul asked if I'd like to follow them and I agreed. Bringing up the rear, we followed all the way to the BIA social in Millville. That was it for the Velo and me. We must have been behind on time only half way through the ride. She thumped along quite gloriously but that old Smith chronometric  speedo was off. Thus was the end of my first Safety Ride;  based on the Tulip Rally  ball and arrow system of map notation.  It was fun giving it a try having known some basics about tulip rides. The Velo turned out to be a great machine for doing this ride. Thumping along the New England back roads at a relaxing pace all in the moment.

. This ride began in Hudson  to Millville  Mass where the BIA would be holding its Social. 71 miles all total. Of  the riders that showed up only three were to participate.  Dave ran his Sprint GT and Marty on a Sym 150cc  road burner.  Though, the Velo had a 10hp advantage over the Sym, Marty passed by twice and made it to the social before me.   There were lots of cool sites to look at on the route;  even a few technical points here and there. e.g.  a short section of road construction to traverse.  My choice of route holder was an old Eclipse tank bag with built in map holder.  I was warned that it might interfere with reading the map-  but no worries there as my eyes are due for new glasses anyways!  Though the warning was correct;  it is difficult to read with the old map holder. Also, the addition of a inexpensive resettable bicycle odometer  would help in making for more accurate navigational readings giving you two odos.  Paul had marked out the the turn point distance and the total distance.  Its not possible to reset the Velo while riding.

I rather liked having the end point be at the social. Though not many were able to make this ride be it work or other obligations, it was great to see so many other members that I don't always get to see. Rick and Lucy were there with the Truck (gotta love the truck). Ron with his Immaculate Norton 850 Commando and Johnny as always with his ever inviting presence.  Joe was there on his Buell and Al made it later in the social.  At the end of the evening as all departed it was tempting to keep the 'ride' going by joining Paul for a ride up and through Oxford via Rt16 but my other family calls. There's always next time, see you all at the next social!
Do mark your calendar for the BIA's Spring show and Swap meet at the Singletary Rod and Gun Club in Oxford Mass on May 26th!

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