Thursday, June 9, 2016

1963 Matchless G12 running again after 37 years

With a lull in shop jobs and a break in the weather, today was a good time to give  focus to the 63' matchless. I've been wanting to fire it up for the past few months but held off so as to have it outside while fluids were introduced.  One of the biggest chores was pre-filling the oil system. It seemed to be a wise idea to add oil into  the filter chamber and  both oil lines as well.  I had rebuilt one of the petcocks  but question the newer brass type to its fuel holding ability.   It took many kicks to get fired off. Later it was noted that the choke was being used backwards making starting somewhat difficult. However the engine settled down and a few rides around the parking lot were had.  


  1. Congratulations on bringing this beautiful old bike back to life!

    I would ride that exactly as as is (perhaps with fresh tires); I am curious about those handlebars. I am working on a G12 and think they look great, any idea where they came from?

    Thank you and keep up the excellent work!

  2. I'm not entirely certain where the bars came from. I will ask the previous owner if he had changed to that set. The rear fender had been slightly bobbed somewhere in the mid to late sixties. I also had the opportunity to bring it down to Ad Coppens (AJS/Matchless guru) for a quick inspection. It seems that the chromed shock covers, fork covers and narrowed up fender were typical modifications done by the importer here in the States. Still working at other projects but soon we'll get a fresh set of cables on to it.

    On the tires, you would think they have perished after all that time- but there's not a single spot of dry rot anywhere, nor do they feel hard; still very pliable... very strange.
