Sunday, March 22, 2020

Velocette MSS shim battles continues

So I had at it and used the Roger Welsch; heat- beat- repeat technique.  The verdict?- no love. The main race just would not budge. The first set was using a heat gun; now this works on BMW gear boxes almost all of the time.  But then again , this is no BMW.  so after three  tries I moved onto a puller with heat. The object was to minimize damage if any.  Still no love.  

At this point I took a few hour break before I did (break something!).  And back at it with heat and beat. still no love. So I setup the press and tried with more heat. Nope, not a hit of movement.  Now I'm sure that there are a few of you out there that would have a better approach. This is what I had today and now.  

My concerns were not to heat it so much to warp the case but the heat gun was not working.  On to Propane.  It did get things moving faster, but still no love.  set it cool for a bit and get back into it later in the day.  an hour later, heat the spice out of it...      and there we has just a slight movement. then stop.  More heat, more beat.  some little improvements but this is taking WAAYYYY longer than needs be. I think of the old chap that broke his bike at the club race on Saturday and needs this for Monday morning. Looks like I'll be walking to work tomorrow. 
  After what seemed to be an eternity the race came out along with a set of destroyed brass shims.

After a conference over Marconi and Bell to those in the know it seems that there still was not enough heat. And I was ready to machine up a spacer for a drift to tap the race back in. 

Well at this point the game is to play with heat, to see how much heat it takes for the race to drop in.  And then reverse the process to make it drop back out.  Once we get to that level-we'll give it a shimming.  The golden turn around. 

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