Saturday, April 18, 2020

Snow way!

 Woke up to a bit of snow this morning, about three inches and its still coming down.  Gotta love New England.  I knew this was going to happen when I  put the shovels away and took all the snowies off the cars.

1 comment:

  1. Yesterday (the 23rd) we had all the seasons, in this order:
    • Lovely morning sun & warmth
    • Wind-driven hail
    • Wind-driven rain
    • Frog-strangler downpour
    • Thunder and lightning
    • Soaking rain
    • Two hours of *snow*
    • Lovely evening sun and sunset
    • Overnight wind chills in the single digits
    [insert time-worn, pithy sayings about New England weather here]

    Got Fuchsl out Sunday though for a nice 120-miles ramble. Needed that!
