Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Gathering of the Faithful 2022/ New England Speed Society

About two weekends ago, I made a mad dash on short notice to the 21st Gathering of the Faithful in Middleboro MA. G.O.T.F was held on Saturday 15th from 9AM to 2PM. With a few hours of sleep, I awoke at 6AM to ready the old Velocette for a spirited run down the local interstate route 495. Most of the time I'll keep the Velo off this route as speeds tend to be on the faster side. I put my immediate family on sweep duty with a blanket text of where, why, and  what to bring.  She did well in keeping with the 70 to 80+ traffic speeds. Me? a little on the cautious side. They say they run the best just before they blow. The most interesting thing was the flywheel effect; as the speeds moved into the more modern territory, the big flywheels of the MSS kept momentum cleanly. Power pulses smooth out and the vibes disappeared beneath my feet. However this seemed to cause the throttle to have only small effect until the flywheels caught up or slowed down; you could feel the balance point in the throttle. After an hour of "running with the bulls" we made our destination in Middleboro. Already a good size of 'faithful' were present.  I spend the day taking pictures both in color and in black and white as the cars and bikes moved about. Some would stay the day, others were only for there an hour or two then back on the road. While I'll have to spend a few more weeks combing through the 500+ plus pictures; I thought to get these, the most interesting black and white ones out for viewing.  Have a look see and enjoy. Maybe we'll see you at the gathering next year! we'll get some color shots up soon.

The old MSS, a tolerant machine. Worthy of the gathering.

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