Saturday, December 14, 2024

Late frost in New England

While out walking the dogs this morning I came across a group of frost heaves in the back yard. Not too long ago, about two or three days, we had a fair bit of rain and then a good drop in temperature. It wasn't anything really notable in of itself, but it has been chilly and cold, perfect for this time in New England. Cold and warm at the same time. It almost reminds me of those days, far off in my past youth full living when care free was the play of the day and icicles were to be enjoyed if you could reach them. 
 These pictures of ice crystals remind me of mushrooms and fungus growing up from the ground. I've always wondered about snow, ice and sand. When you would find that the sun warmed the sand and created patterns as it melted faster than the natural unadulterated snow. To capture these pictures became a race of time, so fearful that, by the time I had the camera ready, they would all be gone. So rather than use a tripod which would have allowed longer exposure and stable images with no shake, I shot them hand held. 
After review and critical analysis I found that there were a few that you can find a dandelion seed attached to the crystal. A moment in New England Zen for you. Enjoy the pictures.
Dandelion in ice
Another perspective of the dandelion

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